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Authentic Faith

"Authentic Faith" is a message from Pastor Tim Rigdon of The Well in Providence and Sturgis, Kentucky (USA). This is a multi-campus church digging a wellspring of revival in rural America through the preaching of God’s Word and under the direction of the Holy Spirit. This is a place where you can come as you are, you won’t leave the same!

James 2:14–17 TPT

14 My dear brothers and sisters, what good is it if someone claims to have faith but demonstrates no good works to prove it? How could this kind of faith save anyone? 15 For example, if a brother or sister in the faith is poorly clothed and hungry 16 and you leave them saying, “Good-bye. I hope you stay warm and have plenty to eat,” but you don’t provide them with a coat or even a cup of soup, what good is your faith? 17 So then faith that doesn’t involve action is phony.

Matthew 7:15–20 TPT

15 “Constantly be on your guard against phony prophets. They come disguised as lambs, appearing to be genuine, but on the inside they are like wild, ravenous wolves! 16 You can spot them by their actions, for the fruits of their character will be obvious. You won’t find sweet grapes hanging on a thorn bush, and you’ll never pick good fruit from a tumbleweed. 17–19 So if the tree is good, it will produce good fruit; but if the tree is bad, it will bear only rotten fruit and it deserves to be cut down and burned. 20 Look at the obvious fruit of their lives and ministries, and then you’ll know whether they are true or false.”

Matthew 7:21 NKJV

21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

James 2:18–19 TPT

18 But someone might object and say, “One person has faith and another person has works.” Go ahead then and prove to me that you have faith without works and I will show you faith by my works as proof that I believe. 19 You can believe all you want that there is one true God, that’s wonderful! But even the demons know this and tremble with fear before him, yet they’re unchanged—they remain demons.

2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

James 2:20–24 TPT

20 O feeble sons of Adam, do you need further evidence that faith divorced from good works is phony? 21 Wasn’t our ancestor Abraham found righteous before God because of his works when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 Can’t you see how his action cooperated with his faith and by his action faith found its full expression? 23 So in this way the Scripture was fulfilled: Because Abraham believed God, his faith was exchanged for God’s righteousness. So he became known as the lover of God! 24 So now it’s clear that a person is seen as righteous in God’s eyes not merely by faith alone, but by his works.



The Well of Providence

123 N. Broadway Street

Providence, KY 42450



The Well of Sturgis

9271 US Highway 60

Sturgis, KY 42459


The Well of Dawson Springs

106 W. Railroad Ave.

Dawson Springs, KY 42408


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